
E-signature Blog

How many years does E-Signature last?

E-signature is an authority granted according to the E-signature Law No. 5070 and can be used for certain periods of time in accordance with this law. These periods are generally determined as 1, 2... Detail

How many days does it take for the e-signature to be issued?

Our EIMZATR application centers offer easy-to-use and fast services for anyone who wants to receive e-signature services. When you reach any of our application centers with your ID, your applicatio... Detail

Can e-signatures be obtained from e-government?

Can you get an e-signature from E-government? Directly obtaining an e-signature from E-government is not possible. However, you can complete the e-signature application process quickly and easily b... Detail

How and where to get an e-signature?

E-signature is among the services offered by our EİMZATR company. Our company easily reaches people who want to receive this service through its branches in different regions or by visiting our web... Detail
