
How to verify an e-signature on Adobe Acrobat Reader?

How to verify an e-signature on Adobe Acrobat Reader?

   There are many different ways to sign documents with an electronic signature. One of these is signing with Adobe Acrobat Reader. So, how can it be understood that the signature on a document signed with Adobe Acrobat Reader is a valid e-signature? You can review our article for the answer to this question.


When signing is done with Adobe Acrobat Reader, an image containing the signer's information is created on the document.


To examine the details of the signature, we click on the image once.

On the screen that appears, we see that the document is signed by the person whose name is written. We can also find out on this screen whether any changes have been made to the document after signing. But this screen is not enough either. For example, if there is an e-mail address, account name or other information next to the person's name on this screen, we can say that this signature is not an electronic signature.

When we press the “Signature Properties” button, we see a screen like this.


On this screen, we see that the signature is an electronic signature, the signer information, the signing time, and whether the document has been changed after signing.

When we press the "Show the signatory's certificate" button, we see that the signature is an electronic signature, that it is legally valid, which provider company produced the electronic signature, the start and end date of the certificate, and we make the necessary verification, as seen below, and the document is e-signatured. We can prove that it was signed with.

The accuracy of the document signed with Adobe Acrobar Reader can only be ensured by performing the above procedures. When we open the document with another PDF viewer application or through a browser, it will not be possible to prove its accuracy.

