
Frequently Asked Questions

Electronic Signature Frequently Asked Questions

No matter which company you bought it from, you can renew your signature from E-imzaTR.


1, 2 and 3-year certificates can be obtained upon request from e-signatureTR, which is a CA, authorized by the BTK.

Electronic signature as in Electronic Signature Law No. 5070; It defines electronic data that is attached to another electronic data or has a logical connection with electronic data and is used for authentication purposes.

You can optionally use your Electronic Signature on as many computers as you want. The most important issue to be considered will be the repetition of the installation process on each new computer.


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If you lose your e-signature, you should contact e-signatureTR (+90 312 242 01 11) immediately for cancellation. Afterwards, you can request the creation of your new e-signature by repeating the application and payment processes.


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Your electronic signature obtained from our company is transferred to Apple INC. You can run it by installing it on the MACOS operating system developed within the company. You do not need to install a second operating system for MACOS. You can reach our branches or Call Center (0312 242 0 111) for the installation guide. We would like to remind you that in order for you to be able to transact with your electronic signature using MACOS, the institution or organization systems you will transact with must have MACOS support.

You can complete your password/activation process by following the steps on the application on the Password/Activation menu. If you encounter any error on the screen, you can request support by connecting to our team via the Technical Support / Online Support steps on our website.


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Since the electronic signature can be used as equivalent to a handwritten signature, it ensures that all kinds of official transactions are carried out faster, more reliable and cost-effectively in the electronic environment compared to the paper environment.


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In e-government applications (
Within the scope of the UYAP project
Ministry of Industry projects
EKAP (Electronic Public Procurement Platform) applications
In e-Invoice applications (For Individual Firms Only)
Within the scope of MERSIS Project
In customs and foreign trade transactions
In Registered Electronic Mail (KEP) System
Employee service contracts and all other contracts
When sending bank instructions
On performance, leave, overtime and expense approval forms
Signing the resolutions of the General Assembly, the Board of Shareholders and the Board of Directors
In the order process in dealer network communication
In e-signing of electronic archive
You can use it in all applications that require a wet signature.

Electronic certificate refers to the electronic record containing the data required for the verification of the electronic signature and the identity information of the signatory. Electronic certificates will be obtained from electronic certificate service providers that will operate in accordance with the law for a certain fee. The electronic signature of the electronic certificate service provider on the certificate will guarantee the integrity and accuracy of the certificate. Electronic certificates are required to confirm the authenticity of the signed signature. Qualified electronic certificates; These are electronic certificates that contain a statement of being a "qualified certificate" as specified in Article 9 of the Law, the identity information of the certificate service provider and the name of the country in which it was established, the identity information by which the signatory can be identified, the validity period of the certificate and the serial number of the certificate.


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The Security Word helps you log into the individual Transactions menu and verify your identity. You cannot complete your Electronic Signature activation Transactions without verifying the Security Word sent to you via SMS and MAIL during the application.


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Sending e-mail with e-signature, Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, Mynet Etc. It does not apply to extension services. You cannot add e-signatures to your emails for these extensions.


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You can update and make changes to your Contact Information (mobile phone and e-mail address) specified in the Electronic Signature Application via our Call Center at (0312) 242 0 111.

You can get a corporate e-signature with a document proving that you are affiliated with the Chamber of Tradesmen and Craftsmen.


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If you bring your Trade Registry Gazette and Signature statement, you can purchase your Corporate e-signature.


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You can create a support record for the remote assistance unit by contacting our call center at (0312) 242 0111 or by following the Technical Support / Online Support steps at


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After completing the installation of your e-signature, it will be sufficient to select TUBITAK-AKIS as the card type to enter the website Tü


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To apply for an electronic signature/qualified electronic certificate from EİMZATR Bilgi Güvenlik Hizmetleri A.Ş. and/or on behalf of a private institution-organization or the relevant ESHS and/or my company, to provide all required information for the application, to sign a letter of undertaking, to carry out activation, e - to receive signature equipment, sim card, certificate, tools-equipment, token, etc., to receive information regarding security verification such as password, pin code, etc. electronically or physically, to make transactions on my behalf via sms or electronically, and/or receive information, In addition, I have appointed an authorized representative residing at .......... to sign all the requested documents. If the power of attorney to be issued will be on behalf of the company and additionally on behalf of the individual; The authority must be regulated in two separate ways, in person and by proxy.


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On-Site Authentication is an alternative service offered by e-signature. Our authorized friend comes to the address you have given us and ensures the delivery of your e-signature.


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As a result of the application, while the timestamp account is open and active, more than one person or institution will be able to use the existing account, taking into account the balance limitation.


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In order to set up and activate your Time Stamp account, you can use the Technical Support / Live Support section on our website, you can reach us by calling 0312 242 0111.


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Time Stamp according to Electronic Signature Law No. 5070; A product provided by ESHS for the purpose of determining when electronic data is generated, modified, sent, received and/or recorded.

*Electronic Document Management Systems
*Registered E-Mail Messages
*Any document created in electronic environment (Word, Excel, Acrobat Reader (PDF), PowerPoint, etc.)
*E-Government Projects
*Usage areas can be expanded considering all personal storage and recording environments.

Zaman Damgası için ister bireysel istenirse şirket veya kurum adına başvuruda bulunabilirsiniz. Başvuru için ürünlerimiz bölümünü ziyaret edebilirsiniz.

If you want to change or update personal information fields such as name and surname, a certificate must be created with your new information and your old certificate must be cancelled.  In this case, the application process must be run again