
How many years does E-Signature last?

How many years does E-Signature last?

E-signature is an authority granted according to the E-signature Law No. 5070 and can be used for certain periods of time in accordance with this law. These periods are generally determined as 1, 2 or 3 years. We offer a service to inform you when your e-signatures obtained through EIMZATR are about to expire or expire. With this information, you can apply online to extend the duration of your e-signature.

However, an important point that should not be forgotten is that you must complete the renewal procedures in time before the E-Signature certificate expires. An expired E-Signature certificate means that it cannot be used in digital signature transactions and you cannot complete your digital transactions. Therefore, it is important to keep track of your certificate's expiration date and take any necessary renewals.

As EİMZATR, our expert team members are ready to assist you in all these processes. When any expiration date approaches or you have any other questions, our team is here to guide you and help you complete your transaction smoothly.

E-signature is an important tool for those who want to make secure transactions in the digital world, and it is very important to follow the processes and deadlines for this tool to work properly. We are here to provide you with more information and answer any questions you may have.
